What do you give a girl -who has everything that she needed in this whole wide world- for her birthday? Pictures? I don't know...
- Browse a collection of pictures, somehow assuring yourself that you have decent quality ones to work on.
- Turns out, you only have a few of no flash, blurry, underexposed set from that hookah session at a local joint.
- Have an imsomnia moment before finally remember the address of a certain free online photo album you think you've stored pictures from two or three years ago on.
- Find a set of ordinary looking, unfocused, or in general, even worst pictures from the said album.
- Settle for the no flash, blurry, underexposed set from that hookah session at a local joint.
- Work on your usual collage style from the said pictures.
- Run to Target thinking you can kill two birds with one stone: print the finished collage and get a physical frame for it.
- Find out that collage resolution is way too small for printing.
- Go back home, rework the collage, making sure it works for a 4 x 6.
- Go back to Target, get printing done.
- Printing lady suggests getting one in done in B/W, agree
- Browse frame aisles, looking for artsy yet affordable frame
- Find a stand alone one which works both sides
- Go back home to work on the frame and the pictures
- Remove glue mark on the frame's glass cover with Nail Polish Remover
- Remove Nail Polish Remover mark with rubbing alcohol
- Try to place the two pictures perfectly in the middle of the frame
- Give up on being perfectionist
HAHAHAHA! Good job!
The lion's den...
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