Tuesday, August 22, 2006

From my lovely Adenda

1. Cigarette: menthol
2. friends: fun
3. Relationships : exhausting
Where's number 4, btw?
5. Power rangers: I like Walker Texas Ranger better :p
6. Marijuana: hemp jewelry
7. Crack: butt. haha <-- Sama, De!
8. Food: Good for your body and soul
9. Love: and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage
10. War: n peace. <-- Lah, sama lagi, De!
11. Car: gas
12. Gas Prices: oh my!
13. Halloween: candies
14. Bon Jovi: sissy
15. Religion: uhm...blank
16. MySpace: just another place to expose yourself in the internet
17. Worst fear: snakes, nosebleed
18. Marriage: yes, please ?
19. Fashion : victim
20. Brunettes: cute
22: Work: schmuck
23: Past time : internet
24: Football: hut!
25: One night stands: yes, I mean, no, please.
26: Pet Peeve: guys in short Madras
27. Pixie Stix: eh, never heard of this
28. Vanilla Ice Cream: good with brownies
29. wehr's 29: huh?
30: High school: next year is the tenth year reunion
31: Pajamas: silk
32. Wood: y Woodpecker
33. Surfing: wish I could do this
34. Pictures: artistic
35. First Love: where art thou?

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