Monday, October 30, 2006

Modesty vs Vanity

A friend asked NY's to sing at her church yesterday since their usual singer was not available. I was there for emotional support, not that she needed it.

A snippet of conversation regarding the "gig":
"Kak Inda Hon, kamu kalo mo ikut liat orang nyanyi pake bajunya yang agak alim ya. Jadi pikirin baju yang biasa kamu pake ke St. Mary's, trus kurangi kadar keseksiannya 50%."
Hmm...what I classified as a "sexy" outfit is anything with uncovered spaghetti straps and low cleavage cut. Never wear any of those to church or anywhere else for that matter anyway. But it was still hard to come up with a "cute" outfit with the kind of coverage NY required. She has created a monster (inside joke).

Another one...

Kak Inda Hon, coba dengerin nih orang nyanyi ya. *mulai beryanyi*
2 bait kemudian...
Gimana menurut kamu? Masak kayak gitu dibilang kurang menjiwai lagu loh.

Heh? Hmm...udah sih sepertinya. Tapi kalo mau lebih menghayati, coba aja mikirin nyanyiin lagunya untuk hmm...Mas Ganteng misalnya. Ha ha ha.

That will work
! *nyanyi-nyanyi lagi, tapi kali ini beneran keliatan dengan penuh perasaan*

I'm glad I can be of any help. HA HA HA


Anonymous said...


nyanyi: you're soooo vaiiiinnnn


Xinda said...

I never think I would be that kind of person. But people change, no? :p

Anonymous said...

Nyanyi buat Mas Ganteng..

ok..i dunnow why..but that was too funny.

Kak we need these kind of posts. your posts lately has been a tad too serious.

Xinda said...

hahaha..udah keseleg kali dia ya. Pa kabar dikau Mas Ganteng...