Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Austin, Anyone?

Hey, D-man!

Happy New Year.

Haven't heard from you for a long time. I tried to call your cellphone
when I was in Austin visiting a friend last summer. Do you have a new

How are things with you? Is this your last semester?

Anyway, I just passed prelim last December. Don't know when is graduation,



Hey H!

Good to hear from you. Sorry you didn't reach my cell (512-417-####), I
didn't receive a call that I saw.

Congrats on your prelim, it's a big weight off the shoulders! This was
originally supposed to be my last semester, but it's been delayed due to
advisor difficulties. Don't know now, but likely around December ;-)

I finally managed to bring my mom over to visit so she was here over the

new year time. My 25th bday is coming up on Feb 10, so we'll get together

w/ a few friends at Cheesecake Factory and then go out for some drinks on

that Sat evening. Let me know if you want to stop by, I would love to

catch up with you!


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