Thursday, April 19, 2007

Somewhat Busy

Computer Problem
It didn't load up everything in the desktop. I had to isolate the computer from the network, thinking it's the remote network thing, it wasn't. Safe Mode didn't work either. One last try was the return to previous working mode option. I wonder, what update causing the problem.

Data Data
I am working on gathering and organizing vast amount of data related to device radiation. I am hoping this can be turned into a paper, soon. That way I can discuss the timetable for...graduation. The word makes me giddy. I just need to face the real world. It's been too long.

Models for the Day
At around 2:30 PM, an official school photographer took the pictures of us, lab rats, as we were working inside the clean room. That job demands too much of a perfectionism. What fake poses we did, some with non-working equipments too! But they're a beauty says the photographer.

"This is a very nice camera. An EOS 10 D..."
"I see you are interested in photography, you recognize the camera."
"Well, yeah, kinda. Do you need a photography degree to become a professional photographer?"

He just laughed.

At the end he gave us business card. Visit his website. He is originally from Serbia. And of all the things to remember about the country, I was pondering which one is the predominantly orthodox country, Serbia or Bosnia?

Translation Help

At night, I met up with an agriculture major, a PhD student, who is going to Indonesia in May to gather data from a survey. He wanted to know if the translation of the survey captured what he wanted to convey. It was a comprehensive survey, part of a global study of Asian countries among others.

And then I went straight to Rec. It's been eight days since my last workout. I came back to the old routine, 30-min elliptical and working out on six machines targeting both upper body, lower body, and legs. I still couldn't sleep on time but wake up on the usual time, as a result I've been very-very sleepy at school. And I almost finish with the book.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I know that guy. Well. He came by to ISS. hehehehe. He dropped off his application for a scholarship and he attached a digital art that he did to the essay. it was impressive. humm...i think i know too many international students now.

Xinda said...

He? The photographer is a student? I thought he's an employee.

Anonymous said...

i think so. cos if not why'd he dropped off a scholarship application? and i remember "inventorizing" his folder too. hahahaha.

oh god. kak. i fear i'm becoming one of those boring people that can never stop talking about their job.

and this is only a part time job.

what happens if it's full time?