Friday, May 04, 2007

Dear Daddy


halo, Pa

papa kena gangguan pernapasan


karena uric acid

kok uric acid larinya ke pernapasan?
in, ini mama
iya ada peradangan di paru-paru
habis papa gitu, kalau sudah sembuh mulai ngerokok lagi
tapi sudah lumayan kok
besok pagi mau ke dokter
I am
  1. worrying about the state of my father's health. He has diabetes for sixteen years, a light stroke in 2003 and other things in between. Did I tell you when I was a child, I used to check up on him at nights to see if he was breathing?
  2. going to start researching uric acid vs. respiratory failure, and other things I can do to help, from here. This makes me want to go hoooommmeee.

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