Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Picture Time

From a celebratory lunch a couple of weeks a go...

A phone interview on Tuesday with a group leader of the R&D of the said company left me with a hope for the chance for an actual on-site interview. He said to keep in touch, it is still too soon for now. We will talk again in three to five months or as soon as I am actively seeking for jobs with other companies.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wish Me Luck

11:23:19 Jam brp inte

Jam 6 nanti, Ma

11:27:29 Oke jgn lp doa dan semoga berhasil

Ok. Thanks, Ma.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Phone Number


yup that's it the highlight (of my weekend)


oh...a guy asked for my phone number


ohaohahoaohaho denger dulu
jadi tadi kan hujan...trus saya dianter NY...pas saya masuk gedung, lagi nirisin aer2 dari payung....ada yg bilang...can I borrow your umbrella?
trus dia nanya telpon biar dia bisa ngebalikin


but he did have food?
he's pretty cute

hoahaha ok

ada2 aja ya

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Nurture et Nature

This evening, I was invited to a colleague's home for dinner. While he, the wife and the other guests were conversing in their native language, I was playing with their happy-go-lucky 5-year old daughter. She asked me to read her a book. I said sure and she sat nicely on my lap. I read the story using different voices for different characters. She listened attentively. All in all, we both had a wonderful time even though I didn't enjoy the choice of book, it's an over hard use of Cinderella theme.

I'd say it's my nature to have that nurturing thing going on.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Bathroom Talk

BEHOLD!!! My Eco-Washer!!!
My butt is free!

ada2 aja
why don't you splurge for a bidet?

bidets are so old school

nice pair, side by side...

yeah...but u have to MOVE to do the deed

add a hot tub
ambient light...background music
what's the water capacity?

it just connects to the water pipe...

do you have enough pressure?

the water pressure pushes the nozzle out

I mean to flush...what's the gpf?
gallon per flush (I'm guessing)

to flush...i dunno...
it's separate from the toilet itself... it's one with the lid
so u can install it on any toilet

oh ok
that's kinda a cool project
I guess I can try a DIY
Lowe's here I come

it's VERY easy
I installed it myself
and I'm no handyman

I will built it myself hihihihi

ha ha
it's only 60 bucks
cost u more to make it haha

yeah maybe....
it's really not that hard actually
get a tee to divide the water from that keran...a cheap plastic pipe, and a nozzle

of course it's not hard to Phd chick.... for little old me...
Toto is the way to go lol


there r more advanced versions...

hmmm...what could they be

gives u a messaging spray...etc etc


not kidding
ada keypadnya

TOTO is a Jap right?
pantesan ada2 aja


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Miss You

Dear Papa,

Tonight, as I was about to go home, I received an e-mail from one of the new members of that mailing list you started a couple years back. It turned out you've set up me up as one its administrators. What should I do now? Announce to everyone about your departure and close it for good? Or maybe tell Dek Alda to maintain it? He has interests in this kind of stuff.

When I got home, I flipped on the channels, and on one, The Last Castle was played. It was your favorite movie, remember? The four of us watched it together when you and mama visited us for Ucok's graduation.

Speaking about movie, I watched all nine parts of Naga Bonar on YouTube yesterday. Until then, I had forgotten how much I loved that movie since the first time I saw it in Training twenty years ago. That Bang Naga character really reminds me of you.

Ah, Papa, I just miss you too much. Watch us from up there, will you?

Good Advices

ya sudahlah bu
time to let it go
FINALLY let it go
gak setengah2 lagi
selama ini setengah2 kan?
masih ada hope kan?

ya sudahlah

*kasih sun tzu
til the next fish

seperti kata Y***
"sabarrr masih banyak ikan di laut"

hahahahaha sama

iya sama gitu
tapi dia nambahin
"the problem is you are in a desert (CS)"

pindah ke galveston

hahaha literally deket laut gitu?


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Business Venture?



at home ?

yeah...was working on request for quote
a supplier back home ask me to find these things
which are kinda impossible to get...too high a
pressure too high a temperature

I don't have enough confidence on my
self....googling doesn't really work

talking on the phone doesn't really work
and to add to it I couldn't sleep these
days...when I wake up it's already 9 *sigh*

a business like this is not my style
I'm a middle man of a middle man (of a middle

is so limiting
you are part of the network
houston bound to have people in the know

well yeah I'm calling all the Houston guys


Hearing your voice is like finding that global maximum among the pretentious local ones. *sigh* I (kinda) miss you.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

This evening, I've fallen into the alternating spell of hot and cold, but of course, I don't have the exact measure of my temperature, it just feel like it. I am guessing I am having an infection, either that or mens sana in corpore sano just proves us right.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Once Upon a Time

My life has been such a whirl wind since I saw you
I've been running around in circles in my mind
And it always seems that I'm following you girl
'Cause you take me to the places that I thought I'd never find
And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars forever

'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore

I've forgotten what I started fightin' for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come craching through your door

Baby I can't fight this feeling anymore

Sunday, June 17, 2007

This is Comfort Zone

Alone in an unlit bedroom with the internet and TV on, working on the notes, perusing references for a paper. This is comfort zone.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

40th Day

The wake was beautiful. Before the service, I called my mother. They were just finished with the little Mass at home. Ours started at around 10 AM. Deacon B was the celebrant, my brother on the piano, me on the First Reading and the second eulogy, my sister on the eulogy. Towards the last couple paragraphs of delivering her part of the eulogy, she cried. Everyone started to cry, during my turn to deliver my part, I cried too. Deacon B came over to hold me and then I started reading again. I can hear my brother sobbed on his spot by the piano. Oh Papa, I thought we are stronger.

My eulogy...

My sister brought a lot of wonderful memories of our father. I would like to add to the memories another dimension that made his life complete in our eyes, and hopefully in the eyes of the Lord, and how it touches us so perfectly.

My father was a person who acted on things instead of just talking about them. He never preached of how one should lead his or her life, but instead he showed it by examples. This included the practice of Christianity throughout his life.

He never proclaimed that he is a spiritual person but by looking at the way he lived his life, one can understand how faithful he was. He was not the type of person who goes to church every single possible time, but then goes about in the daily life to not practicing every single norm accepted by faith. He did quite the opposite. He wanted to show us how we should practice that one verse in Matthew, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on street corners so that others may see them.” He practiced without saying it.

If he was cheated or hurt by a person, he would not act in retaliation but instead showed even more compassion towards the person. He truly gave a real life example of how one should turn the other cheek.

One specific recitation before communion, “Bapa, saya tidak pantas, Tuhan datang pada saya, tapi bersabdalah saja maka saya akan sembuh” or as we say it in English “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.” is the oldest and most vivid memory I had of him. One time when I was a little girl, I sat right next to my father in Mass and witnessed how he recited that particular statement with all his heart.

My father suffered a lot in his life even right to the end. He never complained or lost his faith. He was always full of hope of a better future and worked even harder to pass over the hardships. He accepted that everyone has his or her own cross in life, just as Jesus carrying His for our salvation.

I thank him for his examples. This worldly separation was so sudden and almost beyond our wildest expectation. But with the memories of him and the things he’d done for us and by the faith in God, I know we are going to be okay.

Our family would like to extend of gratitude to everyone. Your presence, words of comfort and prayers have helped us to go through this difficult time.

Not pictured: Deacon B, Kimi and the Chemistry bunch.

At the little reception, a little table with pictures of him.

Sun Tzu for Lovers


iya iya

a principle I don't have

quite the opposite of yours

serang dulu baru kecewa
man...I didn't learn anything from past experiences

you didnt

ohaohahoaohaho which is so stupid...because Bu, we read Sun Tzu
udah saatnya itu diterapkan hoaohaohaho

the art of WAR

ok deh..I have to rethink of my position

elaborate please?

ya jangan maen serang

ya makanya sun tzu dibaca lagi
kan ada tarik ulurnya
ada strateginya

ok..sif haohahohoa
ntar bisa kluar...Sun Tzu for Lovers

lets do it bu???
lets make that book

hoaohaohaooha from us?
yang tidak punya pengalaman perang?

we do
kalah terus tapi


this is too funny

permission to blog it?


yg Sun Tzu aja


hihihiihhihi hore

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Finish Putting Together the Program for Saturday

Opening Song: On Eagle’s Wings (Gather 611)

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We gather here today in the memory of Kilian Lumban Gaol, the loving husband of Karnatje Manurung and father of Helinda Nominanda, Stephanus Axnanda, Antonia Yoyada and Nicolas Alda. He passed away 40 days ago today.
Death does not end our relationship with God. With our prayers, God will bring his soul and the souls of other faithful departed into the eternal happiness of His heavenly kingdom. Please join us in the readings and songs provided in the booklet.

Opening Prayer

God our Father, full of compassion and love,
To know you is to live and to serve you is to reign. Cleanse us from all our sins, wipe away the tears of those affected by sin and death, and let us live a new life and bring us to an everlasting life.
We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

First Reading: Wisdom 3: 1-9

The word of the Lord
Thanks be to God

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 116: 9
I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.

Verse 1: How gracious is the Lord, and just; our God has
compassion. The Lord protects the simple hearts; I was helpless so he saved me.

Verse 2: I trusted even when I said: ‘I am sorely afflicted,’ and
when I said in my alarm: ‘No man, no man can be trusted.’

Verse 3: O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his
faithful. Your servant, Lord, your servant am I; you have loosened my bonds.

Alleluia (Gather 615)

Gospel: Luke 23: 33-43
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke
Glory to you, Lord

The Gospel of the Lord
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ


Eulogy (by Antonia)

Our Father

General Intercessions

God of our ancestors in faith, by the covenant made on Mount Sinai You taught Your people to strengthen the bonds of family through faith, honor, and love. Look kindly upon Kilian Lumban Gaol, a father who sought to bind his children to You. Bring him to Your heavenly home where the saints dwell in blessedness and peace.
We pray to the Lord
Lord, hear our prayer

For all the deceased, look with love on our dying brothers and sisters, and make them one with Your Son in His suffering and death.
We pray to the Lord
Lord, hear our prayer

For those forgotten souls, spare them, O Lord. Let not the souls You have created be parted from You, their Creator.
We pray to the Lord
Lord, hear our prayer

For us in grief, be our refuge and comfort so that our sadness and sorrow may turn into the light and peace of Your Presence. Grant that at the end of our earthly pilgrimage we may be found in His company with our brothers and sisters.
We pray to the Lord
Lord, hear our prayer

Closing Prayer

Lord, death has hit us hard. It has made us aware of my own mortality and has challenged our faith. Yet, we hope in You. Your power over death and the rewards of your promised kingdom are the only consolations we find at this difficult time. Keep our faith and the faith of all who cared for us strong. Let us always be a source of support and comfort to one another.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit

Closing Song: The Hand of God Shall Hold You (Gather 859)

Please join us in a little reception at the Student Center.

It's Just Too Much

internet di indon itu belon mendarah daging nak

I hate that word

ha ha u hate the work amrik?


ha ha
and yusten?



you're KILLLING me!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Silly Things Keep Happening to Me

I'd heard from Jim, I'd be glad to.

Nice. Could you send me your information, your office number and phone? And when the alarm goes off, make sure you check on the stairs to see if everybody does go down.

Sure will.
This morning I was asked to become this half of the floor's safety proctor. Why me, I wonder? Why not, as Bu Didi put it, "pria gagah perkasa berani mati"?

Two nights ago, I was talking to a friend. He was browsing the 'net.

"Hey, you've got a paper published here..." he showed me the website of one of the respectable journals, well at least for me.

"Are you serious? Let me see, let me see...."

It turned out the advisor sent that paper we've been working on back and forth between us for six months to a better journal than the one we were shooting for. He sent it out for publication in April and a month later it got published. No wonder I didn't receive a FW of any reviewed material to be corrected from him, the paper was published as is. The thing is he didn't even tell me it got accepted. Silly. OK, three down, one to go!
The advisor asked me to send an e-mail to the masses. He is desperate on keeping a class he's going to teach in the Fall. The requirement for a class to be offered is more than five students enrolled. And so far, no body registered. He put out the important points about the class and asked to cook up something out of it. Here is what I came up with...

Dear students,

Are you curious on the science and technology behind the semi*conductor world and eventually are interested on the chance to work at the industry (couples of big names are Intel, AMD, Mic*ron, IBM, Moto*rola/Free*scale, Texas Inst*rument, etc.)?

CHEN 4*7*5 Micro*electronics Pro*cess Engi*neering course (syllabus attached), offered once a year in the Fall semester, is THE way to go to learn the fundamental understanding of semiconductor processing.

Please take this time to register by the end of July to make sure you have what it takes to tackle the job interviews for the industry.

Again, this might be your last chance to take the class before graduation, so hurry up before you miss on the opportunity.

Y** K**

When I asked him for the permission to send it out, he went like "It's very good, send it out now!" Ha ha ha.

Actually, it is to my advantage for the class not to be offered, because then the advisor will have to teach that class I should be teaching which means it will set me free. I should be setting up an evilish scheme to realize it instead of helping him. Oh well, we see how it ends.

Permisi, Bu

I was just strickened with awe, Bu. You should be a published writer!!!

kau ingin tahu kenapa aku benci jatuh cinta? karena cinta adalah kehausan yang tak punya akhir. setitik kau dapat, satu kalimat yang kau pinta. satu kalimat terpenuhi, satu paragraf kau inginkan. tak ada habisnya. seperti layaknya sastra. yang tetap ada, selama masih ada kertas dan pena. atau komputer, mungkin. dan cinta itu seperti layaknya pencuri. tak hanya hatiku saja yang ia rampas, tapi juga pikiranku. lebih dari setengahnya dia ambil, tanpa peduli bagaimana aku akan berfungsi tanpanya. cinta itu seperti biawak, dan aku anak ayam yang lucu. biawak datang mengendap, lalu menyergap. dia biarkan aku terkulai di congornya. kaki rapuhku terjulur, menendang-nendang. sia-sia. putus asa. dan akhirnya tak punya nyawa. huh, nyawa. masihkah kau punya nyawa hai diriku. adakah nyawa di dalammu jika pikiranmu saja tak dapat kau kendalikan lagi? kau seperti mayat yang lengkap anggota badannya. tapi apakah dia bernyawa? apakah dia akan mengaduh saat orang menyayat-nyayat anggota tubuhnya? ketika aku jatuh cinta, aku berikan hatiku kepadanya. lalu pikiranku, dan akhirnya nyawa. aku hanya mayat, yang penuh cinta.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Never Before

in my life, I intentionally tried to screwing up an interview, screwed it, and still practically handed the job.

No, not a "real" job. It's another teaching assistant thing for next semester. This time, it is for my own department, to become the lab instructor for a class I took on the last year of my undergraduate days (think the year 2000). Did I tell you I am never a fan of the traditional field of my own department? That is why I switched over to the current field on graduate school.

Great...just in time I was thinking it will be a smooth sailing uninterrupted working time on the stuff needed to finish up the degree. Darn advisor, darn the situation, darn, darn.

I am already planning a minimum effort on doing this job. Yes, I am.

Thinking of You

dia: Nggak semua keluarga tu kayak gitu. Nggak semua keluarga kayak keluarga kamu. Aku udah 9.5 tahun di sini, yang nelpon itu selalu mama. Aku nggak pernah ngomong ama bokap. Dia nggak sayang ama kita, we don't get along.

saya: Ah, enggak lah. Dia pasti sayang, kalo enggak nggak mungkin nyampe sini kalian. Mungkin emang cara nunjukin nya beda. He's too prideful for mushy stuff.

dia: *diem...menerawang jauh*

saya: *OK, it's time to shut my mouth up*

Monday, June 11, 2007

Hope and Despair

At times I wonder, how many "bad" things one can take in a given period of time and still keep up with the what-doesn't-kill-you-make-you-stronger mentality, in other words, to be faithful. For what I know, problems are keep coming, hopes crushed, and despair thriumped.

I am crying out loud, GIVE ME A BREAK. This is not just about me anymore, I have evolved from a selfish self-centered persona into family-centered one. Isn't that enough? What more do You want?

It's taking a lot of faith to see the good things that will come out of this situation and to keep walking towards the lights at the end of the tunnel.

Pray for me? Pray for us?

Sunday, June 10, 2007


tidur nak
sudah malam

gimana ronda malam ini?
brp maling ayam?

ooo..aman aman saja

see the rock?

i see it
u got engaged without telling me?

wait...those arent ur hands

kurang ajar, do you know???

u have darker skin

well I just got back from a shower

I love fresh flowers.
The food was light and summer-ish.
What is it with edible unmentionables?
The shower party
Next in line?
The most well-mannered 2-year old

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Serendipity aka The Danger of Internet

Date: Friday, June 8, 2007 12:19 PM
Subject: Halo!
Message: Hmm...this is creepy (and too much serendipity).

I went home from Texas this May and applied for my F1 visa at the Jakarta embassy (where else?).

The day I picked the passport, I flipped through the pages to check on the visa...and there was your H1 visa (already with a "cancelled without prejudice" stamp). I was confused and continued to flip on to the next page, and there it was my visa. Phew.

So anyway, I just googled you and found your friendster. I'm hoping you got your visa stamped correctly in your passport.

Salam kenal, ya! Maap kalo bikin kaget, ada orang tak dikenal ngintip-ngintip.


Friday, June 08, 2007


Hatiku hancur mengenang dikau
Berkeping-keping jadinya...
Kini air mata jatuh bercucuran
Tiada lagi harapan

Tiada seindah waktu itu...
Dunia berseri-seri
Malam bagai siang seterang hatiku
Penuh harapan padamu

Kini hancur berderai
Kepedihan berantai
Kuncup di hatiku yang lama kusimpan
Hancur kini sebelum berkembang

Mengapa ini harus terjadi
Di tengah kebahagiaan
Ingin kurasakan lebih lama lagi
Hidup bersama denganmu...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Living With Her is A (Blessing in) Disguise

Just Stuff

I resumed Rec activity last night by taking it easy at the elliptical and the machines. I did five out of the usual seven machines, reduced the weight and number of sets. I went home and slept at 11:30. So we might say, things are getting back to normal at the Casa de la Cherry.

On the computer note, the harddrive of the computer at home is at the end of its service. chkdsk /R showed 50 % unrecoverable error. It's time to shop for a new drive. The thing is I didn't back up some of the files. I will try to slave drive it to the computer at work. All my school stuff are safely stored in multiple places, it's the pictures of the yesteryears I'm afraid to loose.

Deacon Bill might be able to serve at Papa's memorial service this June 16. We are working on the program, choosing readings, songs, etc. It will be beautiful. Mom will do the 40 harian Rosary prayers at home at the same day. [Are you having fun today, Papa?]

That's it for now.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Gosipin Kak Yada Hon

Pre Script: perbincangan maya ini sudah dirubah sedikit untuk menyelamatkan pihak terhentu (selain yang jelas-jelas lagi digosipin tentunya) dan untuk menghemat tempat.

skrg NY semangat mo kurusnya luar biasa
kan dia naksir berat ama *sensor*

ha yg mana

oh blum liat ya?


hem...ntar deh saya tunjukin potonya
ganteng...beda tipe ama si *sensor*
jadi gitu deh makannya dikurangin sama kemaren olahraga

bilang suruh cara saya

kalo pake cara stress...itu konsekensinya ada dua
bisa jadi anda..ato malah bisa jadi nambahhhh

uh no

ya gitu deh..namanya *sensor*
jd kalo cerita ttg dia...pake Mas *sensor* gitu nyebutnya
pdhl asli *sensor*

gak lunch bu

hm tadi sarapan gede...kinda...NY bikin french toast

bikin f t gimana sih

rotinya diceburin di kocokan telur
kasih garem ama nutmeg gitu di telur nya
trus digoreng...ntar taburin gula halus


si NY sih tadi pake Hershey's syrup segala


dia sampe bilang..the ultimate death


nah itu...saya kurang mengerti...mungkin kena amnesia sesaat
amnesianya pilih2 waktu...setiap waktu makan


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Crystal Clear

It's hard to get to a regular blogging mood. There are many things I just hold for myself in lieu of the usual tendency to blurt all out in this little space. It seems that I learn to tough 'em up. It's hard, and once in a while, a weakness slips through my system...

"Hey, how are you doing? Is it getting better?" An awkward hug to follow.

That moment brought a confirmed disappointment, a realization that this person did not care. Whatever expectation I hold vaporized into the thin air right that instant. Truly, another lesson learned, to never put too much hope on something that is never going to happen.

It's crystal clear.

What Do You Think, B?

Rec buddy is the type of person who's eating on the latest fad on exercising. Gosh....

From: Rec Buddy
To: Moi

From: Moi
To : Rec Buddy

Good luck! :P
Coba tolong di chronicle kan latihan2 nya.


In the morning...
Hey, do you want to go with me to the Mass today, Kak?


I'll see you at 5:30 at church.


Walking home at 6:15 PM...*sigh* (Daily Mass goers congregated outside)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Poto-poto SG

Lalat impor
Bu Det capek
Pak Dodol serieus amat ama SMS nya

"Harga sewa apartmen bisa 1/3 gaji" NY manggut-manggut.

Group picture

One more time

Pak Dodol...poto-poto dari kamera anda, dong.