10 PM: Found out from hiring manager that the company travel rep sent out a trip scheduling email to another e-mail five days ago, on-site interview is this Thursday
10:01 PM: Called travel rep, called another number given for emergency, sent e-mail to hiring manager
10:15 PM: Ate dinner while fussing about how stupid she was
10:30 PM-2:30 AM: Immersed in preparation for the presentation for the interview
10:01 PM: Called travel rep, called another number given for emergency, sent e-mail to hiring manager
10:15 PM: Ate dinner while fussing about how stupid she was
10:30 PM-2:30 AM: Immersed in preparation for the presentation for the interview
2:40 AM: Ate fourth meal, all those preparation consumed energy, you know. Slept.
8:30 AM: Woke up, looked up for company campus location in case they suggested a hotel or something, gave up on Googling, started to look things to wear today: khakis, tucked in white shirt, black belt, black ballet shoes
8:45 AM: Re-sow one of the button on the white shirt (it was sewn with black thread before by me few months ago)
8:48 AM: Made the bed
9-9:30 AM: Called the travel people, got a seat on the earliest flight out of CS on Wednesday, got a car rental and hotel booked
9:30 AM: Shower
9:50 AM: Arrived at school, embarked on a search of proper TC to buy for the lab
10:30 AM: Talked to the TC company's tech people, got a part number, prepared PO
10:45 AM: Checked on latest data to show the advisor
11:15 AM: Printed out PO, got the advisor's signature, discussed said data
11:45 AM: Back at office, started to gather things to ask students on their class presentation day
1:10 PM: Ate lunch
1:15 PM: Went down to print out evaluation sheet
1:40 PM: Arrived at the presentation room, listened to four group presentations, asked questions, pointed out stuff (nice that JG was there, he's supposed to be the instructor, not the inexperience me!)
04:20 PM: Finished with undergrad folks
04:10 PM: Entered CR to prepare samples
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