Tuesday, October 23, 2007


hey Pak question
what do you think me as a professor?
susah banget kayanya dapet kerja industri...so I'm going to pursue both...industry and academia

why not...
professors make goooooooooood money

it's not just the money....I want to have some type of personal life too
and to achieve something

a life on campus...
do more research...

yes? okay then....

go for it

it turns out I love teaching
and researching

where r u applying?

there's one at NCSU

very cool place

I'm going to start looking around
what ever school, as long as they have facility

Georgia (UGA) is a cool town...athens
gak tau ada engineering apa nggak tuh sekolah

ok...ideally something "lower" than A&M
there's no way I can apply to better school

i keep telling ya

ok ok

that's an up and comer school

yeah I like TX

trust me
it's like TI's research slaves
it originated as a TI lab

oh ya???

Eric Johnson School of Engineering
one of TI's big wigs
founder...or something

ok..this is exciting


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