The storyline was frustating. One part of me hoping the Chris Wilton character to get away from his crime, to deal with somekind retrospection and soul searching, and then to move on with his life. The other part sympathized with the wife character, to be genuinely in love like that and not the least bit suspecting what really happened behind her sugar coated life. The character played by Scarlet Johansen, although leading a tragic death, was not really hitting my base.
Anyhow, this is the only Woody Allen movies I can understand. As what Mr. Berardinelli points out,
Some of the differences are immediately evident: Allen does not appear on-screen, the setting has been shifted from New York to London, and the cast and crew are predominantly British. Other aspects, although no less important, are more subtle. Allen's usual "voice" is absent. Match Point does not deal with a neurotic character and there are no May/December romances. The comedy is minimal.The next movie was to see what the hype is all about the story of two gay cowboys. Through out the movie, I see it not as a controversial public potrayal of homosexual relationships but more about love --with accompanying lust-- and how people decide to act or not to act on it.
I was surprised at the setting timeline --in the 60's and spans 20 years after as opposed to what I had thought to be in the early 19, 20th century where the stories of the Western genre reigned. I was overjoyed to think that it may help us to identify more with the story since it's being so close to our so-called modern life.
Overall, two really good movies. I am glad I can cross those two from my list. I am going to watch this next to counterbalance this feeding of love stories one after another.
Nda, lo mo lari sekarang?**Tadinya gue mo nawarin elu makan malem di tempat gue. *hela napas* Tapi nggak enak kalo sampe keikut a way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Hmm...kita lari besok pagi aja ya.
Ha ha ha. Trus ini tujuannya nelpon apa?
He he he. Mo bilangin, kita nggak usah lari malem ini. Besok pagi aja 40 menit, gimana?
Ya udah, ayok.
Tapi lo tau kan kita emang nggak bakal lari malem ini?
Ya gue taunya elu kerja ampe malem, udah capek banget pastinya.
He he he. Iyah, ini lagi jalan pulang. Gue laper banget lagi.
Kenapa nggak makan di situ aja?**
Ah, males gue makan di situ. Ya udah deh, mendingan kita istirahat dulu malem ini. Makasih, Nda. Sampe besok.
Sip. Dagh.
1 comment:
i love matchpoint... iunno why ppl dont like it though.. ika & toto both hate it.. i absolutely love it!
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