Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hot of the Press

Yasa 360 says:
ur prez is the new defense secretary

X says:
oh wowwww
didn't even know he was nominated??

baru aja si rumsfeld resign

why him? apa nggak ada orang lain yak

ya dia kan bekas CIA....taulah kerjaan defense
plus he's close to the Bush family

gila hahaha...gosip2nya
dulu si Gates ngelamar buat jd seseorang di UT
but they only gave hime an associate professor position


kalo di A&M langsung jadi presiden hahaha...definitely the Bush's connection

he he

eh kan blom pasti yak...harus diapprove dulu ama senate? kayak si Condee dulu? pake hearing segala...

condy...nggak ah
ini kan pegawai eksekutip
kalo gak salah sih gak....gak tau juga persisnya
kalo gak salah sih hak presiden...mau hire tukang sapu kek:P

"The Secretary is appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate, and is a member of the Cabinet. "
Wiki sez

oh ok
my bad

"The Secretary of Defense is sixth in the United States presidential line of succession."

ha ha
so he has to kill 5 people?

kayak raja aja ya
gila di Wiki udah diupdate gitu
"Robert Gates (nominated)"



Anonymous said...

I don't really like Gates, he doesn't really make any improvements to A&M


nadia said...

masa si KYH? bukannya Gates termasuk yg dah bgn a&m banyak ya?? hmm...

Xinda said...

I guess what she means but "doesn't really make any improvements" is that under him we are still a strongly conservative school and if we can be a tad more liberal like that other school in Austin, that would be great. You know KYH, lah. Ha ha ha.

I'd say Gates is okay.