Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pulling a Miss N

  1. Good to have you back. I'm completely lost at this m*o*l*e*c*u*l*a*r simulation thing and to have someone like you around to be bugged about it is just priceless. I mean I've chosen to be an experimentalist in order to separate myself as far away as possible from the mumbo-jumbo theoretical work and here I am, almost at the end of my formal education *knocks on wood*, blackmailed into taking the one class that couldn't be more precisely theoretical.
  2. I like the way your longer hair fall above your forehead. You almost look like one of those (charming) manga characters.


nadia said...

who looks like a manga character?

man have u noticed how the number of fuuhreakkin keeeyoot asian guys at A&M has quadrupled? oh my gawd. siiighh

Anonymous said...

I think that it's just the matter that we are more giving attention towards asian guys instead of americans hahuhaahiahiah.


Xinda said...

Yeah...Americans all look the sammeeee....unless they are hotties...Correction...all guys look the same unless they are hotties.