Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Gobble Day

This has been one warm Thanksgiving day with temperature in the 60s and 70s. I have spent better part of the afternoon working on the presentation for the preliminary exam.

A wheel of Brie, a jar or organic spicy chili raspberry jam, and a box of wheat crackers and I am off to the Advisor's Thanksgiving dinner in two hours.

I have nothing but the highest hope to be somewhere else than here this time next year.

Here is to this year and the better ones ahead.

Like last year's, the compulsory side profile pose. By NY.


Anonymous said...

Whoaa, I do take good pictures. Might as well go to NYU for grad school in art haha. Or, what mama suggested in the first place go to conservatory huahuahua

-ny who wants to study at nyu-

Xinda said...

That'll make ya, NY in the city.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Kak Inda..garink..garink..NY in the city...hahahahhaha