Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Apparently, I am not dead yet. So while I am waiting for husband to call (I doubt he will, this is already close to 1 AM his time), I have a pseudo recipe for a flatbread pizza. Speaking of the devil, here he is calling!

To be continued...

Here it is. Note on why I call it a pseudo recipe. All ingredients are store bought so it is not even qualified as a Semi Homemade recipes like those of Food TV's Sandra Lee's. Also, where you get the stuff determines the end results. Me of course, I got mine at good ol' Trader Joe's.
Another thing, even though there's no meat used in the recipe, I still refuse to count its calories, fat and sodium contents. It's just way delish to be worried about all those.

Try it!

1 flatbread or pita bread
1/2 cup of any kind of shredded cheese (blended Mexican is recommended)
1/2 cup canned heart of artichoke
1/4 cup roasted red (or yellow or both) peppers
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped jalapeno
2 tbsp pesto

Smear pesto on to bread. Cramp all ingredients except for the cheese onto smeared bread. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bake on a cookie sheet at 350F for 20 minutes.

Make 1 serving

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