Monday, September 25, 2006

The Crescent Moon and the Star

Today's two lab sections were long and exhausting. I was practically up on my feet for nine hours straight. At first, it was to set up the things we needed for the lab. Just in time where I thought everthing was running fine, three of the students showed me their funny lithography results. We needed to redo their wafers. The last guy went out five minutes before the next section started and I, naturally, did not have time to eat lunch. The second section was better.

I nuked a Croissant Pocket and ate lunch at six and then went home. I turned on the TV, a Law & Order SVU episode was halfway played. Before I knew, I was asleep, a good deep one. But before, on the background I heard Detective Benson confinding on her mother...
You were raped, for God sakes. Are you telling me that you don't understand why she did what she did?

Serena Benson
Oh, I understand it. That does not mean that I condone it.

Wait, are you saying that you wouldn't have done exactly the same thing if you'd had the chance?

Serena Benson
Is that what you would have wanted me to do?



I hate him for what he did to you.

Serena Benson
So do I — and if he hadn't, you would not be here.
An hour later, I woke up fresh and ready to rumble. Rec Buddy called a few minutes later .

"Masih cape, lo? Ke Rec yuk."
"Tadi capek banget sih, sekarang udah seger. Ayok..."
"Ya udah, gw jemput elo sekarang yah." It was his turn to drive.

On our way to the Rec, I pointed to the crescent moon and a star on its higher left. They were beautiful against the dark background and the clear sky. I wish I had my camera with me.

"Kayak lambang di mesjid ya."
"Ha ha, iya, pas banget sama bulan puasa."

An article discussing the crescent moon-star in Islam and an equally interesting article on the use of crescent moon as "sleep" symbol in computer interface.

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