Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Guys and Babe

I asked guy friends what they think of the gorgeous baby on that cover of April 2007 edition of Baby Talk (see previous post). Here is a recap of actual conversations....

with Heartless Individual
what's that

you have to see it for yourself

it's a picture of a baby

iyaaaa lucu kaaannn???

* sigh *

I've never fallen in love with a baby before
this one makes my biological clock ticking!

* yawn *

kurang ajar

I'm just a cruel heartless individual...babies do nothing for me

wait until it is your baby

i'll enjoy the wait :)

with B
btw what do you think of the babe

which babe ?

* giving out link to the picture of the said babe *

cute... but not too cute...
why ?

I love her!!!

i see....
who is she ?

a cover
I need to buy the magazine...read it at the Rec two days ago

i see...

so I see..you're not that sensitive to babies

with Rec Buddy
Want...please take a look at this picture
* giving out link to the picture of the said babe *
and let me know what you think :p

maksud nya
knp emang foto bayi itu

pendapat elu ttg si bayi itu apa?
gue lagi bikin survey :P

*nggak dijawab*
sejam kemudian....

Want...so what do you think of the babe?
*tetep nggak dijawab*

with The One Who Got Away :P
...you have to look at this picture
* giving out link to the said picture *



hahahahahah overweight baby tuh lucu yaaaaa

jadi pengen gendong


she's sooo cuuutteeee
ntar mo gue beli ah majalahnya


and finally...with that Roy
Hey..you're still here? What are you working on? How is the presentation yesterday?

Hey...come here...I want to ask you something.


Look at this picture...what do you think?

It's...a baby?

Yeah...a baby...anything else?

It's a....babygirl?

Hmm...yeah...but other than that, don't you think she's just the cutteest thing ever??

*looking closely for a couple of second, contemplating* I guess..she's cute.

I mean look at her...the baby fat on her arms, her legs....

Ha ha ha...yeah, she's kinda cute.

Hmmphh...you're not moved by babies, huh...

Nope...*sambil geleng-geleng, looking at me as if I'm the weirdest human on the planet*

Haduh gimana sih, Mas!!!

1 comment:

nadia said...

i think the baby's beautiffful.. at least the one the got away, is not heartless lol