Sunday, August 13, 2006

"I have 94 % recall of all conversation. I tested it myself."

We were on the cooling down part of our evening run, which pretty much just a walk back from the busy main street to your place. The night was just arriving and the moon was behind us. I would have told you that it was an 83 % of full, a waning gibbous.

"And the significant of it?" you would ask.

"Nothing, just to think that times passes so quickly, it was a full moon only two nights ago," I would answer.

A few yards in front of us, there were a mother and a daughter taking a walk, quite a nice night to walk, really. The curly brown haired girl, a three-year-old at most, was the epitome of undescribable cuteness. I couldn't help myself to shriek, "How cute..."

When we passed them by, I baby voiced the little girl a hello and you waved at her and smiled. She waved back, giggled, and started to walk toward you. Her mother smiled back at us while trying to get her back to their walking path.

Another few yards in front of us, another pair was strolling a slow walk. This time, it was a young couple of husband and wife.
"Itu ibu hamil lima bulan kayaknya ya. Ditemenin suaminya olahraga ringan?"
"Iya kayaknya, kalo dari jalannya. Suaminya ikutan hamil juga tuh, ha ha...perutnya ikutan gede juga."
"Yah kan namanya simpati...ha ha ha."
"Gimana rasanya ya? Pasangan muda gitu, udah mau punya anak."
"Kalo gue pasti panik, mikirnya, ini tanggung jawabnya buat tiga orang."
"Ah, kalo masalah itu, gue gak terlalu takut kok."
"Elu pasti pengen ngasih yang terbaik buat anak elu, kan? Kalo enggak, rasanya kan gimana..."
"Iya dong dan pasti bisa."
You and your confidence.

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