Sunday, August 06, 2006

Vino and fridge

I am not thrilled to be a dependent on artificial means, e.g., a glass (or two!) of vino, melatonin intake, just to get a decent nocturnal sleep. Even with the morning and evening running sessions, it's still hard not to feel restless and to shut down myself.

This morning, I went to Target in the seach for one of those insulated lunch bag, and lo and behold, I saw a dorm-size refrigerator on sale for a decent price. This acquisition of the temperature guarding device along with the extra microwave oven I'm planning to bring from home will make the office a more convenient place to live. I already have a coffee maker there too. Ha ha.

What's next? A folding bed?


Kayak anak SMA aja...

Z, dia manggil nih! Aww...
oh ya?
tolong ya, agak jual mahal
kalo ngomong, agak ditahan

jual mahal gimana?
gue nggak gitu orang nya

belajar biar jadi kayak gitu
hmm...jadi jawabnya pendek-pendek
kayak nggak peduli gitu?

trus agak-agak dicuekin dulu baru dibales?
hhh..ya udah gue coba
susah banget tapinya, huhuhu
lo pasti bisa

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