Monday, January 29, 2007

Gue Mo yang Cepek Aja Deh

Ade Hon, Kak Ika Hon, Kak Yada Hon...pijit Thailand, rumah bordil, "buka tutup buka tutup, ini apa?", Beta Tau Alpha, dan seribu cerita-cerita lucu lainnya walopun agak-agak...

Twas a fun night, eh? And to think that there is absolutely no alcohol involved. (Sok tukang mabuk kali, pun hahaha...)


nadia said...

HAUHUAHUAHUA... so funny lahh.. pijt thailand apa lagi.. hehehhhehehe..

remember ya.. valentine's day! hehe .. i'll keep yall updated.. tp kyknya sih ga bakal ada date nih.. but i wont be sad if i get to spend it with yall two!

Xinda said...

We'll keep that date open, OK, Ade. Ha ha ha...syapa tau eke dapet date (of the opposite sex). I wish. :p