Friday, September 07, 2007

As Seen in FD

Hi my name is Xinda and I'm 28 going on 15. :P

This outfit is just beyond regulation, what with the skirt and flip-flops. I'm doing my best not to enter the lab today.

Polo shirt: Aeropostale
Layering tank top: F21
Skirt: some store in Mangga Dua (mommy bought me)
Flip-flops: H&M
Bag: Fake Rabeanco from Mangga Dua (courtesy of NY)
Necklace: some store in Harwin (courtesy of NY)


nadia said...

teh skirt is way cute!

Anonymous said...

mbaaa....ikutan masukin ke website itu yaaaa???..hehehe...dats qiut!! :D...udah ikutan website yg naro2 pengeluaran sehari berapa belom??..hehhe...

- Nisa -