Saturday, June 09, 2007

Serendipity aka The Danger of Internet

Date: Friday, June 8, 2007 12:19 PM
Subject: Halo!
Message: Hmm...this is creepy (and too much serendipity).

I went home from Texas this May and applied for my F1 visa at the Jakarta embassy (where else?).

The day I picked the passport, I flipped through the pages to check on the visa...and there was your H1 visa (already with a "cancelled without prejudice" stamp). I was confused and continued to flip on to the next page, and there it was my visa. Phew.

So anyway, I just googled you and found your friendster. I'm hoping you got your visa stamped correctly in your passport.

Salam kenal, ya! Maap kalo bikin kaget, ada orang tak dikenal ngintip-ngintip.


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